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Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Tree Naming Contest
Dear Vistarians,
Ever wanted to name the tree you guys have planted with a nice and wonderful name?

Here's how you'll be able to do that:

Round 1
1. Decide a name for the tree with your class.
2. Submit your final desicion on the TAGBOARD in THIS BLOG.

Your entries should be submitted using the following format,
i) Name: Your Class
ii) Message: Your name for the tree

Round 2
1. The Top 3 Best entries will be selected and a poll will be conducted here.
2. The name with the highest number of votes will be the OFFICIAL NAME of the tree
and the class that come out with the name will recieve a ATTRACTIVE PRIZE!

Rules and Regulations
1. This contest is only open to the Sec 4s & 5s classes.
2. Each class is only allowed one post.
4. In the event that the entry for your class is being misused, you may report it to
Ms Lin Simin to get it removed. After that please post up your class post ASAP.
5. Round 1 of the contest will close on 2 June 2010, 12am SHARP Any post after the deadline will not be taken into consideration.
6. Round 2 polling will close on 27 June 2010, 12am SHARP. Any vote casted after the deadline will not be taken into consideration.
7. Result by the panel will be final and no correspondence will be entertained

Signing Off,
Blog Master
posted by NV SIG at 5:42 AM | Permalink |